Supporting the Local Community through Cycling
The Wyoming Ohio Cycling Foundation (WOCF) is a nonprofit organization formed by avid cyclists in the of city of Wyoming, Ohio. The group began in 2004 with six cycling friends who would meet at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday or Sunday to ride 20+ miles before work each weekday and 50+ miles on the weekend. As their gathering place was the corner at which the local restaurant Half Day Café was located, they soon became known as Half Day Café Cycling. The daily rides continue, and the group continues to grow.
In 2011, the group began its Spring Classic, a three-week long, staged event modeled on the Tour de France. Riders, who donate a set amount to participate, are divided into evenly-matched teams. The teams determine to which charities the participation fees and sponsorships are donated following the event. The group’s other organized fundraiser, the 365 Challenge, encourages riders to donate based upon miles ridden throughout the year or whatever measure each rider chooses.
In 2013, three group members formed the WOCF to facilitate the fundraising efforts begun by the group’s riders.
In addition to daily rides and annual fundraising events, WOCF has installed five bicycle service stations in Wyoming, Ohio, and along popular bike trails in local communities to encourage cycling for everyone.