Bike Safety and Education

Cincinnati Bike Laws

An important resource for those who want to begin riding is the Pocket Guide to Cincinnati Bike Laws. This contains key information about what is legal and what is not when riding. We highly recommend reading it in-depth before you begin to ride on your own.

Cincinnati skyline

Basic Bike Laws

Cyclists must obey traffic laws including stopping at red lights and stop signs.

Cyclists must ride to the right and in the same direction as traffic. This is especially important because riding against traffic can be extremely hazardous and lead to collision.

WOCF requires all riders joining our group to wear a helmet and use front and rear lights both day and night. We prohibit use of ear phones or ear buds on group rides.

Road Sharrow

Maintenance Tips for Bicycles

Adjusting your bicycle to fit is important for safe riding. Stand over your bicycle and make sure that there is one to two inches between you and the top tube, three to four if it is a mountain bike. We recommend you have a professional bike fitting.

Make sure that the seat is level front to back, and adjust the seat to allow a slight bend at the knee when your leg is fully extended.

The handlebar should be level with the seat.

Before each ride make sure that your tires are inflated to the pressure listed on the sidewall of the tire, and check to make sure there is no damage to the tire before riding.

Inspect the pads of your brakes, and make sure to replace them if there is less than ΒΌ inch of pad left. Also, make sure to inspect your chain to make sure it is not worn.

Safety Tips

Avoiding collisions is often made easier with the right equipment. If you decide to ride at night or early in the morning, be sure to have a headlight.

Wearing clothing that is brightly colored is important, even during the day. Yellow or orange vests and leg bands are great ideas to make sure drivers can easily spot you.

Making sure to look all around you is necessary. Never swerve near traffic or cross an intersection without first glancing behind you. This will require you to practice keeping your bike straight while doing so.

Signaling is very important as it lets drivers and other bicyclists know your intentions.

blurred image of cyclists racing on road

Helmet Fit

If you are in a collision, wearing a properly fitted helmet could be the difference between life and death. Please visit this link to learn how to fit your helmet.

Riding in the street is the safest choice, particularly where Sharrows (a shared-lane marking) are painted. However, children less than 10 years old are not mature enough to carefully ride in the street and would be better off using the sidewalk, where sidewalk riding is legal.

All bicycle safety starts with knowing that your bike is in good operating condition and knowing how to make yourself safe.

Closeup of cyclist in helmet

Additional Safety Videos

Video 1:  Learn about bike safety through this video of Will Stroet of Will's Jams singing the "Bike Safety Boogie" from his album "My Backyard.”

Video 2: An educational video from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on safely driving, fitting and maintaining a bicycle.

four cyclists posing in front of Rabbit Hash General Store